Urology Clinic in Santa Ana, CA
With over 22 years of experience in providing urologic care, our urologists are experts in treating and diagnosing patients in Santa Ana, CA. Our providers have extensive experience in minimally invasive management of urologic conditions. Your urologist will answer any questions or concerns that you may have and perform diagnostic testing to accurately treat your condition.
OC Urology
1801 N Broadway,
Santa Ana, CA 92706

Our office has been designed with our patients in mind
We realize that a visit to the urologist is not something that many people look forward to. OC Urology is located in our own independent facility building. Parking is plentiful and can be accessed from Broadway, 18th street or from 19th street. The reception area is large, quiet and comfortable to ensure that your brief wait will be more peaceful.
Inside you will find our state-of-the-art facility.
We have a full complement of the latest equipment:
- UroLift procedures for BPH are performed in the office, and Nitrous Oxide is available for sedation and pain relief.
- Nitrous Oxide vasectomy is available, performed with the No-needle no-scalpel vasectomy technique
- Ultrasound imaging of the kidneys, bladder, and prostate.
- Prostate biopsy performed with local anesthesia.
- Non invasive urodynamics for men utilizing the UroCuff technology